American Legion Department of Nevada
737 Veterans Memorial Drive
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Why become an American Legion Member? For Info and application: Legion Application and Info
Why become a Sons of The American Legion Member? For Info and application: SAL Application and Info
Why become an American Legion Auxiliary Member? For Info and application: ALA Application and Info
Why become an American Legion Rider Member? For Info: ALR Info
Need help filing a VA Claim? Contact Sandy Schneeberger @ 310-560-5400 or sschneeberger.tal2020@gmail.com
Click pdf to Download The American Legion Department of Nevada Constitution and Bylaws

Job Opening Department of Nevada Adjutant
The Department of Nevada is seeking a highly qualified Legionnaire to fill the position of Department Adjutant. If interested, please review the job description below and provide a Bio and Curriculum Vitae via email to Jeanette Rae Evans, retiredmsgt@att.net no later than March 15, 2025
A benefit package list will be provided upon request. Thank you for your interest.
The American Legion, Department of Nevada Job Description:
The Department Adjutant must meet all eligibility criteria for a member of The American Legion and be or become a member of a duly chartered Nevada American Legion Post at the time of employment. The Department Adjutant will provide evidence of continuing membership annually.
Authorization: The position of Department Adjutant, authorized by the Constitution of The American Legion, Department of Nevada, is an appointive office, such appointment to be made by the Department Commander with the concurrence of the Department Executive Committee (DEC). The Department Adjutant serves as the Secretary to the DEC, and other subsidiary corporations with voice but no vote.
Condition of Employment: The Department Adjutant shall serve a probationary period of not more than one year, after which the Department Adjutant will serve with tenure, provided the appointment is confirmed by the DEC, and be subject to removal only by a two-thirds vote of the
Status: The Department Adjutant position is exempt from federal wage and employment standards. The Department Adjutant reports directly to and through the Department Commander and DEC, and is subject to the policies, rules and regulations/guidelines contained in the National Constitution and Bylaws, and the Department Constitution and Bylaws.
Responsibilities: The Department Adjutant shall serve as the Chief Administrative Officer of the Department of Nevada. The responsibilities of the Department Adjutant include, “the keeping of the records of all official meetings of the Department and with the custody of other Department
records of various kinds. The Department Adjutant shall act as a coordinator in carrying out the policies and mandates of the Department convention, the Department Executive Committee, subsidiary corporations as may be formed under the sponsorship of The American Legion,
Department of Nevada, to carry on such programs. The Department Adjutant shall be charged with the employment of clerical and administrative help at Department Headquarters and shall be held responsible for the faithful performance of duties by such employed personnel. The
Department Adjutant shall perform such other duties as are usually incident to the office. “ Other duties: a. Manages, maintains, and secures Department-owned real property; b. Recommends policies and strategies for consideration by decision-making bodies and officers;
c. Recommends future sites, schedules, plans, coordinates, and implements all elements of Department conferences, conventions, and meetings; d. Prepares and distributes notices, agendas, and schedules of events for all official meetings; e. Maintains and distributes minutes of all committee meetings; f. Prepares and maintains a record of proceedings from the annual Department convention; g. Receives, registers, and presents for consideration all resolutions to go before the DEC and Department convention, and reports disposition of the same; h. Hires, trains, supervises, and evaluates employees of the Department Headquarters; i. Recommends personnel policies and procedures for compliance with all state and federal employment standards; j. Liaisons with permanent and adhoc committees of the Department as assigned; k. Participates in state-wide District and Post meetings as assigned; l. Advises and assists all Department Officers and Committees in the proper conduct of their responsibilities;
m. Oversees preparation of, and adherence to, the annual budget; n. Oversees the administration, financial status, and records-keeping of the Department programs; o. Supervises daily financial transactions, maintains accounts, receive all funds and signs and approves all vouchers for the
Department; p. Ensures a full and complete audit of all Department accounts are conducted by certified public accountants: q. Ensures all licensure, certifications, credentials, and insurances are maintained and up-to-date; r. Complies with all reporting and administrative duties imposed on the Department by the National Organization as set forth in the Department Adjutant’s Administrative Manual; s. Approves all public information requests and releases to the media, confers with Department Commander on controversial topics prior to discussion with media; t.
Attends all Department meetings and willingly accepts invitations to speak at Post and District events. Attends all special meetings, programs, and events throughout the Department by invitation and protocol. Keeps Department Commander always apprised of travel and agenda,
u. All other duties are as usually incidental to the office of Chief Administrative Officer. Working Conditions: The normal workday for the position is currently 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excepting National holidays, subject to change based on the needs of
The American Legion, Department of Nevada. Additional weekend and weeknight hours are frequent and a routine part of the position. Department employment policies make no provisions for additional pay or compensation for hours worked above the normal workday. Overnight travel involved.
Minimum Qualifications and Experience: a. Post-high school degree from an accredited college or university (comparable military education and experience, long-term experience in department employment, or equivalent professional experience may be an acceptable alternative); b. Must be a U.S. citizen; c. Must submit to a criminal and background check as well as a FICA and Driver’s License check; d. Must have a valid Nevada driver’s license, or able to get one if from out-of-state; e. Familiarity with American legion programs and activities; f. Excellent computer skills (PC environment, MS operating system) g. Excellent written communications and public speaking skills; h. Demonstrated administrative and leadership skills and experience Personal and Professional Attitudes and Characteristics: a. Collaborative: Seeks to accomplish tasks in cooperation with volunteers; b. Innovative: Seeks new ways to accomplish traditional tasks; understands and utilizes emerging technology; open to new ideas; c. Diplomatic: Skilled at managing and motivating volunteer workers; d. Energetic: Comfortable with multiple tasking and long hours; e. Imaginative: Applies creativity and innovation to all opportunities and challenges; f. Persuasive: Ability to “sell” ideas and initiatives; g. Skilled and Adept in research and evaluating opportunities and proposals Other Benefits: Competitive salary commensurate with experience. Liberal paid holiday and vacation, and sick time.
Brenda Horton

My military service began in 1992 at the age of 31 when I enlisted in the Montana Army National Guard. While attending a class in Career Futures, my personality was best suited for the military and teaching positions and after this class I went to the Army recruiter’s office and started the enlistment process. Given the fact that I still had three small children in grade school, I felt this was the best choice for me to serve my country while still focusing on my primary job as a single mother.
Basic training was in Ft. Jackson, SC.
AIT was in Ft. Gordon, GA as a single channel radio operator.
Reclassified at the WAATS in Arizona with Flight Operations.
PLDC was in Utah. (Primary Leadership Development Course).
I was medically discharged in August 2001.
In 2014, I attended an all-female veterans’ lunch in Aurora, Colorado where I met Post 206 Commander Terri Clinton. I learned that this post was an all-female post that was looking for members that wanted to be active and joined the Post on the spot and was immediately appointed Post Adjutant. I remained Adjutant the following year and was appointed as the District Adjutant during that same time. My district was one of the largest Districts in Colorado with approximately 30 Posts. This was a daunting task, and the experience expanded my understanding and grew my passion for The American Legion beyond my Post.
In December of 2015, my husband and I moved to Spring Creek, Nevada. In February 2016, I transferred my membership to Post 7 and in May 2016, I was elected as 1st Vice Commander of both Post 7 and District 3. The summer of 2016 I was honored to be selected to attend National American Legion College (NALC) in Indianapolis, further expanding my knowledge and passion for The American Legion.
In 2017, I was elected Post 7 Commander for a two-year term. In 2018 I became District 3 Commander for three years. Commander Jim Stewart asked me to be his Membership Chair and I accepted (two years). One year later, I was asked to be Membership Chair for Commander Valerie Sheureing-Hubbell and accepted.
Over the last three years, I have “worked the chairs” as a Department Officer and finally to Department Commander in June 2024.
“Every Voice Matters” is my theme for 2024-2025. While I was Post/District Commander, I enjoyed talking with other Commanders/Post Commanders and their officers and listened as they shared their frustrations and achievements, offering suggestions as I could. This will carry on at a Department level. While attending District meetings, Post Commanders and officers are encouraged to talk with me about their concerns, collaborate on solutions, and discuss topics for the DECs and Department Convention (training, communication, etc.)
My Commander’s Project this year is to support the Veterans Guest House and Fisher House with enthusiasm through monetary and supply donations, volunteer hours, or just encouraging others to support both Houses. District 2 will be the primary support for Fisher House while Districts 1, 3, and 4 will be the primary support for the Veterans Guest House. Individual Posts will decide how best to serve these two locations.
Finally, newsletter articles and District Reports detailing activities and successes are encouraged from all Districts, Posts, and Squadrons, we need to celebrate our achievements and share them with the world.
National Commander of The American Legion - 2024-2025
James A. LaCoursiere Jr.
James A. LaCoursiere Jr. (La coursey air) was elected national commander of The American Legion on August 29, 2024, in New Orleans, during the 105th National Convention.
An Air Force veteran, LaCoursiere has been a longtime field representative for the American Legion Department of Connecticut’s Soldiers, Sailors and Marines Fund, which financially assists veterans and their families in need.
LaCoursiere has held many leadership positions at The American Legion post, department (state) and national levels. He is a member of American Legion Post 91 in Moosup, Conn. He has also served as a national vice commander, Connecticut state commander, and chairman of the national Legislative Commission.
LaCoursiere is married to his wife, Lisa, and has two children (Patrick and Meghan), and three stepchildren (Jason, Kaylene and the late Johnathan).
Born to a military family in Honolulu, Hawaii, LaCoursiere attended Montville High School where he played junior varsity football, varsity football and varsity track.
As national commander, LaCoursiere is strongly committed to raising awareness for The American Legion’s Be the One mission to prevent veteran suicide.
Gary B. Leach

Gary B. Leach was elected as a National Vice Commander of The American Legion during the 105th National Convention in New Orleans on Aug. 29, 2024.
Leach is a Vietnam veteran who retired from the U.S. Navy as a senior chief petty officer in 1989. He joined The American Legion in 1993 and is a Paid-up-for-Life member of Yolo Post 77 in Woodland, Calif.
He has held offices at every level of The American Legion, including post commander in 2005; 6th District commander in 2010; department vice commander in 2011; and department commander from 2017-2018. He also served as alternate National Executive Committeeman for the Department of California from 2014 to 2016. In 2012, he was appointed to the department Boys State Commission and has been the director of the program since 2020.
Leach also serves as a facilitator for the California American Legion College, and is a charter member of Sons of The American Legion Squadron 77 based on his father’s service in the Marine Corps during World War II. His son is a Navy veteran who now serves in the California National Guard, and his grandson is currently serving with the U.S. Army’s 4th Infantry Division.
Leach has a daughter and seven grandchildren. He is certified as a registered parliamentarian from the National Association of Parliamentarians, and has served as president of the Epsilon (Sacramento) Unit of the National Association of Parliamentarians and as the Northern Area director of the California State Association of Parliamentarians.